Category: Western Australia

Karratha Health Campus
Axis WA on behalf of Multiplex Construction undertook the completion of the Hydraulic and Fire services.

Curtin University Student Accommodation
Axis WA on behalf of Probuild Construction undertook the completion of the Hydraulic Services to Curtin University Student Accommodation in Perth West Australia.

Forrestfield Airport Link
Axis WA on behalf of Salini Impregilo S.P.A & NRW Pty Ltd undertook the Airport link train stations in providing the Hydraulic and Fire Services.

Next DC Date Centre – East Perth
Axis WA on behalf of Multiplex Construction undertook the Hydraulic, Civil & Mechanical Services at Next DC Date Centre at 11 Newcastle St, Perth WA.

Edith Cowan University
Axis WA on behalf of Multiplex Constructions undertook the completion of the Hydraulic & Medical Gas services.

Narrogin Health Service
Axis WA on behalf of Cockram Construction undertook the completion of Hydraulic Services refurbishment and new buildings.

King Square – Fremantle
Axis WA on behalf of Probuild Construction provides Hydraulic services for King Square – Fremantle Office Building and Food Tenancies.

University of West Australia
Axis WA on behalf of Fredon Air Construction undertook the completion of the Mechanical Services – Pipe installation on this project.

Raine Square
Axis WA on behalf of Probuild Constructions and MPM Williams Joint Venture undertook the Hydraulic Services and Mechanical Piping on the Raine Square office tower, retail precinct and heritage listed buildings.

Fiona Stanley Hospital
Axis WA on behalf of Brookfield Multiplex undertook a wide range of services on the new Fiona Stanley Hospital. These services include Hydraulic, Mechanical Piping and Medical Gas Piping to various buildings, including the following:
Building A – Educational Teaching Block
Building B – Main Hospital
Building D – Mental Health Building
Building E – Administration
Building R – Mental Health
Building Y – Central Energy Plant
WA Institute of Medical Research Building

Enex 100 (100 St Georges Terrace)
Axis WA on behalf of Desair Hastie Joint Venture undertook the Mechancial Pipework package which included but not limited to chilled, heating and condenser water on the office tower and retail precinct at 100 St Georges Terrace; affectionately known as Enex 100.

Currie Hall – University of WA Student Accommodation
Axis WA on behalf of Probuild Constructions undertook the completion of the Hydraulic Services to Building B and C on the new Currie Hall student accommodation buildings.
The timeframe coupled with taking over the project from a previous contractor made the project slightly more challenging than normal.

Carousel Shopping Centre
Axis WA on behalf of BurkeAir undertook the Mechanical Pipework for the chiller and pipework upgrade to the prestigious Westfield Carousel Shopping Centre, this being the first commercial property in WA to have chillers in series.
A tight time frame of four months to complete all works, with at peak, 29 employees on the project and it was finished 3 weeks ahead of programme.