Category: ACT

South Coast Correctional Centre
The South Coast Correctional Centre at Nowra has been selected for expansion as part of the NSW Government’s $3.8 billion Prison Bed Capacity Program.
The expansion will see the following additions and alterations:
- 160 maximum-security beds;
- 200 minimum-security beds;
- Conversion of an existing 200 minimum-security beds to medium-security;
- Refurbishment and extensions to existing buildings, including visits area, clinic, AVL suites, car park and reception area; and
- New industries building, High Intensity Program Unit (HIPU) and staff amenities building.
Scope of Work:
Hydraulic Services: In ground Sanitary Drainage, Trade Waste and Storm Water System. Elevated Sanitary, Trade Waste and Storm Water System. Potable, Non- potable, Hot and Warm Water System, Gas System, Fit off and testing and Commissioning. Axis Plumbing ACT was engaged to undertake and deliver the Design and Construction of the project.

ANU Union Court Redevelopment
The revitalisation of Union Court and University Avenue stage 1 will combine the best elements of existing campus life and bring a new learning, cultural, physical and social experience to us in a village setting. The revitalised precinct will feature:
- State-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities
- Environmentally-sustainable student accommodation
- New health and recreational facilities, including a 25-metre pool
- An events centre with large and small auditoriums, a new cinema for the ANU Film Club and a student theatre
- Food, café, bar and retail services with extended hours
- A centralised student services hub and building for student groups and societies, and
- Underground parking.
All set in a beautiful new landscaped environment.
Scope of Work:
Mechanical Services: Axis Plumbing has been engaged to supply the HHW and CCW services for the Mechanical Package. Including in ground ISNA pipe works. All works to be completed in a six-month program.

Single Leap II RMC & ADFA ACT Defence Housing Project
Axis Plumbing on Behalf of Watpac undertook the hydraulic services on the Single leap II defence housing project, the project consisted of 7 precinct Buildings on ADFA consisting of 80 Units and 33 Units over 2 precinct Buildings
Key Hydraulic Components on Single Leap II:
- Design & Construct contract
- IEW Infrastructure upgrade works.
- Solar Heating
- Fire Supply
- Rainwater Re-use

HMAS Harman Mechanical piping
Axis Plumbing on Behalf of fredon Air pty ltd undertook mechanical piping works on the HMAS Harman project ACT . The mechanical piping of these works included, New Plant room, Data Hall cooling , chilled water storage tank pipework
The project was completed in a very short time frame with regards to the amount and size of services installed. The overall duration just under 9 months in which time Axis installed in excess of 3.5 kilometres of pipe ranging in size from 15mm diameter up to 350mm diameter and peaking at a total labour force of 55 men. The project was unconventional in its sequencing which placed pressure on time frames and meant that prefabrication was pivotal to the delivery and success of the installation.
Key Mechanical components on HMAS Harman Mechanical Pipe-wok projectt:
- Chilled pipe work
- Heating water pipework
- Large Bore spiral copper installation

ADFA redevelopment Mechanical piping
Axis Plumbing on Behalf of Climatech pty ltd are undertaking mechanical piping works on the redevelopment project on the ADFA defence campus ACT . The mechanical piping of these works include, Plant room upgrade, replace existing pipe work , new equipment connections
Key Mechanical components on ADFA redevelopment:
- Chilled pipe work
- Side stream filtration piping
- Condensing water pipework
- Heating water pipework
- Refrigeration piping

121 Marcus Clarke Commercial Building ACT
Axis Plumbing on Behalf of Baulderstone undertook the hydraulic services on 121 mcs commercial building , The project consisted of 12 storey office space , 4 level underground car park
Key Hydraulic Components on 121 MCS project:
- Design & Construct contract
- Rainwater harvesting
- Syphonic Design and construct component

4 National Ct Barton ACT
Axis Plumbing on Behalf of lend lease undertook the hydraulic services on the 4 National ct Barton project , The project consisted of two 6 storey office spaces , 4 level underground car parks, and plant rooms .
Key Hydraulic Components on 4 national ct Barton:
- Civil Stormwater Works : Detention Tanks ,Perimeter civil stormwater and Gross pollution traps
- Rainwater Harvest : Syfonic system harvesting roof rainwater to collection tank consisting of 100,000ltr Stainless Steel panel
Project Tenancy’s:
- Austrac
- ADG Fit Out
- Creche