

Axis main asset is its people and therefore wants to ensure employees are being developed properly to have the right talent in the correct job.

Via our Personal Development Program we can detect the right training needs and take appropriate actions to develop these needs. The main purposes of the program are:
– development and growth of employees
– ensure employees have the right skills to perform their current and future job (technical and soft skills)
– discuss career goals to understand employees’ career expectations
– evaluate potential leadership skills

Axis makes significant investment in the training of apprentices with the continual appointment of new apprentices throughout all our regions of operation each year.

Axis has a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics to which it expects all employees to abide by. Axis believes that core values are the key to our business success and are summarised as;

  • Integrity as a contractor, customer and partner
  • Financials external parties can rely upon
  • A culture employees can prosper in
  • Protection of our valuable assets
  • Avoidance of needless liabilities
  • Compliance with the law
  • Protection of the environment
  • Respect for people